Practice information

This page contains legal and regulatory information about the practice.

Solicitors Regulation Authority

Colina Greenway Employment Law is a legal practice authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA number 559852). Colina Greenway is a solicitor qualified in England and Wales (SRA number 161192) and is the sole principal and director of Colina Greenway Limited. You can find a copy of the rules of conduct that govern practice as a solicitor at

Professional indemnity insurance

Colina Greenway carries professional indemnity insurance for advice given to clients. The practice's insurer is Sompo International, whose registered office is 1st ​Floor, 2 Minster Court, Mincing Lane, London EC3R 7BB. The PII policy covers all advice given by Colina Greenway under the practice’s terms of business, regardless of where in the world clients are situated.

Dispute Resolution

Colina Greenway strives to maintain the highest standards of service for all clients. However, should you be dissatisfied with any aspect of our service, please email to discuss your concerns.

You can find information on our complaints procedure and the resolution services of the Legal Ombudsman and Solicitors Regulation Authority by following the link below.

Our complaints procedure About our complaints procedure and resolution services